i am really excited to share with you “notjustanewsletter“, a written series on conscious living and thinking.
since 2012, i have been practicing conscious living and maintaining a journal of all the ideas i have learnt (and continue to learn) to improve the quality of my life.
this act continues to bring me clarity on the best practices for living a fulfilling life!
now, i want to share with you the thought process and ideas that enable me to live my best life.
i want to share these with you because there is a possibility for it to add value to your life, or at least give you something to think about 🙂
that’s how notjussayin started in the first place.
i thought to myself, “if this has helped me, maybe there are other people out there who could also benefit from this”
so i started sharing
there’s a saying,
“if it inspires one person, it’s worth doing”
these letters will, primarily, be shared via email, so do sign up to for our notjustanewsletter if you are interested 🙂
find below all the newsletters 👇