words of wisdom on living a happy, fulfilled life

words of wisdom on living a happy and fulfilled life.
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

words of wisdom on living a happy and fulfilled life.

recommended read6 habits to live a happy(er) life

ps, for wisdom on specific areas of life, check out these posts

words of wisdom

recommended read: how thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy

words of wisdom
source: unknown

words of wisdom
via SlowwCo (twitter)

words of wisdom
via thepersonalwords (tumblr)

one must live as if it would be forever, and as if one might die each moment. always both at once. Mary Renault. food for thought, deep meaningful quotes. words of wisdom. memento mori

recommended readmemento mori: remember that you will die!

recommended read: 5 ways to think consciously

read that again!!!

develop these 6 habits to live a happy(er) life

#reminder to be patient, understanding, and compassionate.

recommended read: words of wisdom on relationships

read that again

via @thechrisdo (instagram)

flowchart for a better quality of life.

words of wisdom
via: thephilosophyquote (instagram)

knowing what doesn’t work for you is as important as knowing what does.
live a life that works for you! (click here to read more on this)

words of wisdom mindfulness calmness
image source: unknown

via: 3rdritual (instagram)

“rules for being human” was adopted from the book, “if life is a game, these are the rules” by cherie carter-scott

each morning we are born again. what we do today is what matters most. buddha. words of wisdom

via kpaxs (twitter)

“there is no way to happiness, happiness is they way.”

thich nhat hanh

explore and live a life that works for you!

read what we mean by living a life that works for you

“stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’.”

eckhart tolle

read 6 ways to stay present in the moment

we are not here to survive, we are here to live.
via karibikfruechtchen (pinterest)

words of wisdom

words of wisdom

words of wisdom

words of wisdom

recommended read: 5 simple ways to think consciously

treat your energy like you would money. budget it, save it, find ways ti increase it, invest it where you know you will get return

treat your energy like you would money

michael singer the untethered soul
michael singer – the untethered soul

words of wisdom - a pen isn't mightier than a sword. pens do not do battle, nor swords poetry. mighty is the hand that knows when to pick up the pen, or pick up the sword. final fantasy tactics the war of lions.
via Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

words of wisdom - going after a dream has a price. it may mean abandoning our habits, or it may lead us to disappointment. but however costly it may be, it is never as high as the price paid by people who didn't live.
via naturaekos (tumblr)

words of wisdom - with everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. you get to choose.
via amortizing (tumblr)

words of wisdom - enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.
via amortizing (tumblr)

To become learned,
each day add something.
To become enlightened,
each day drop something.

Lao Tzu
words of wisdom⁠

Don't do things that you know are
orally wrong. Not because someone
swatching, but because you are. Self-
esteem is just the reputation that you
have with yourself. You'll always know.
- @naval
words of wisdom from @naval

"Stop measuring days by
degree of productivity
and start experiencing
them by degree of
Alan Watts

6 ways to stay present in the moment — click here

"There are only two days in the year that
nothing can be done. One is
called yesterday and the other is
called tomorrow, so today is
the right day to love, believe,
do and mostly live."
today is the right day to live!!!⁠

A man asked an artist
"How do you make such
beautiful things from stone?"
He replied,
"Beauty is already hidden there.
I just remove extra stone.."
Your happiness is hidden
within yourself.
Just remove your worries.
this right here is gold!⁠
and it is true not only for happiness, but also for being who you want to be. ⁠
you remove/unlearn the parts of you that don’t serve you anymore and allow your greater self to shine through.⁠

via naturaekos (tumblr)⁠

read 5 ways to think consciously — click here

"Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure. It is our
light, not our darkness that most
frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who
am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,
fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to
be? You are a child of God. Your playing
small does not serve the world. There is
nothing enlightened about shrinking so
that other people won't feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine,
as children do. We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within
us. It's not just in some of us; it's in
everyone. And as we let our own light
shine, we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same. As
we are liberated from our own fear, our
presence automatically liberates
Marianne Williamson
words of wisdom⁠

human knowledge. it requires no
accountability, no understanding. the
highest form of knowledge is empathy,
for it requires us to suspend our egos
and live in another's world. it requires
profound purpose larger than the self
kind of understanding.

opinion is really the lowest form of
human knowledge. it requires no
accountability, no understanding. the
highest form of knowledge is empathy,
for it requires us to suspend our egos
and live in another’s world. it requires
profound purpose larger than the self
kind of understanding.


wow!!! #wordsofwisdom

don't speak negatively about
yourself, even as a joke. your
body doesn't know the
difference. words are energy
and cast spells, that's why it's
called spelling. change the way
you speak about yourself and
you can change your life. what
you're not changing, you're also

don’t speak negatively about
yourself, even as a joke. your
body doesn’t know the
difference. words are energy
and cast spells, that’s why it’s
called spelling. change the way
you speak about yourself and
you can change your life. what
you’re not changing, you’re also

read how thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy — click here

Habits for Eternal Happiness:
set good intentions
at sunrise.
Enjoy now.*
give thanks for everything
at sunset.

habits for happiness ⁠

a holistic way to measure sucess

If you pay attention to the patterns of
your life you'll realize how much you
owe to failure, heartbreak, and
how these things took you to a
greater destination, how they helped
you to grow and understand what was
really meant fo you.
you must always remember that.

If you pay attention to the patterns of
your life you’ll realize how much you
owe to failure, heartbreak, and
how these things took you to a
greater destination, how they helped
you to grow and understand what was
really meant fo you.
you must always remember that.

breakdowns are gateway to breakthroughs! ⁠
trust the process and #keepthefaith⁠

via ryanholiday (twitter)

5 Stoic Strategies For Happiness…

  • Stop worrying about what you can’t
  • Focus on what you can control
  • Remember you’re going to die
    (Memento Mori)
  • Want less
    Simplify your life

5 Stoic Strategies For Happiness…

happiness is letting go of what you assume your life is supposed to be like right now and sincerely appreciating it for everything that it is. at the end of this day, before you close your eyes, smile and be at peace with where you’ve been and grateful for what you have. life is good. words of wisdom

happiness is…
couldn’t have said this better!

via steven

live a life that works for you!⁠
define what happiness, fun, rich, etc means to you.⁠

#notjussayin #consciousliving #subtleremindersarekey #wordsofwisdom

past, present, future
via resetnyc

learn from the past,
live in the present,
believe in the future!

via Inner Practitioner

words to live by

as time goes on, you'll understand.
what lasts, lasts; what doesn't,
doesn't. time solves most things. and
what time can't solve, you have to
solve yourself.

as time goes on, you’ll understand.
what lasts, lasts; what doesn’t,
doesn’t. time solves most things. and
what time can’t solve, you have to
solve yourself.

read that again! — words of wisdom.⁠

be okay with not knowing for sure what’s coming next, but know whatever is, you will be okay.
via tinybuddha

be okay with not knowing for sure what’s coming next, but know whatever is, you will be okay.


what you don'
want is just as
important as
finding out
what you do.

what you don’
want is just as
important as
finding out
what you do.

know yourself. ⁠
know what works for you and what doesn’t.⁠

via wecroak

one must live as if it would be
forever, and as if one might die
each moment. Always both at

mary renault

words of wisdom!

the future depends on what we do in the present.

read that again.

one of the best fables i’ve ever read. 

know your “why”; don’t get into the rat race without being clear on your end goal. 

most of the times, it’s not money we are really after, it’s the freedom that money brings.

ups and downs are part of life. one cannot exist without the other.
when things are going right, be humble.
when things are going wrong, remember, it won’t last forever!

no pain, no gain!⁠

“If it comes; let it. If it
goes; let it.”

let it flow⁠
let it flow⁠
let it flow ⁠

via beamingdesign

A life full of meaning

how to live a meaningful life…⁠

a secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, and then make the best of it.
via @spirituallyaround⁠

a secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, and then make the best of it.

we may not always be able to change the situations around us but we can change how we perceive those situations, and in doing so, those situations change. ⁠

as wayne dyer said — “if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”⁠

"Be mindful of your self-talk. It's a conversation with the universe."

“Be mindful of your self-talk. It’s a conversation with the universe.”

david james lees

read 5 ways to think consciously — click here

happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.
via minuty (tumblr)

happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.

the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are
via signfromsource

the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are

be yourself, unabashedly!

via house of leaders

7 steps to happiness

7 steps to happiness, is there anything missing?

via @pathsofmeaning

now is no time to think of what you do not have. think of what you can do with that there is.

ernest hemingway

accept what is and make the most of it.

via: 6amsuccess (instagram)

remembering that you are going to die is the best way i know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. you are already naked. there is no reason not to follow your heart.

steve jobs

we are all going to die one day. live and make the most out of the time you have!

via JColeNC (twitter)

my heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me.

#keepthefaith — click here to read why i believe everything happens for the best

it's usually not your job to detox toxic people. it's usually your job to detox the part of you that resonates with their toxicity.
via mindtendencies2 (instagram)

it’s usually not your job to detox toxic people. it’s usually your job to detox the part of you that resonates with their toxicity.

we may not be able to change others but we can change ourselves 🙃

sleep it off, cry it off, walk it off, whatever it takes, do it, and move on..
via humblethepoet

sleep it off, cry it off, walk it off, whatever it takes, do it, and move on..

whatever it takes, do it and move on! 👊

there's an African proverb: "when death finds you, may it find you alive." Alive means living your own damned life, not the life that your parents wanted, or the life some cultural group or political party wanted, but the life that your own soul wants to live.
via: NeilaTorkian (twitter)

there’s an African proverb: “when death finds you, may it find you alive.” Alive means living your own damned life, not the life that your parents wanted, or the life some cultural group or political party wanted, but the life that your own soul wants to live.

michael meade

be the person in the arena!⁠

things end. people leave. and you know what? life goes on. besides, if bad things didn't happen, how would you be able to feel the good ones?
source-tumblr: amargedom

things end. people leave. and you know what? life goes on. besides, if bad things didn’t happen, how would you be able to feel the good ones?

life goes on!

It's hard to be yourself, it's harder to not be yourself.
source-twitter: @jackbutcher

It’s hard to be yourself, it’s harder to not be yourself.

that hit hard

You become what you think about all day and those days become your lifetime.
source-instagram: prince_ea

You become what you think about all day and those days become your lifetime.

you become what you think about all day — know the 6 ways to think consciously (click here)

The universe may be in control of what happens in life, but you are in control of how you react.
source-instagram: thegoodquote⁠

The universe may be in control of what happens in life, but you are in control of how you react.


💯 agree!⁠

Think for yourself, not of yourself. Think of others, not for others.
source-twitter: naval⁠

Think for yourself, not of yourself. Think of others, not for others.


source-twitter: NavalismHQ

the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. read how thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy — click here

Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.
source-twitter: one137pm

Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.

peace is the result of…⁠

fortunately & unfortunately nothing lasts forever
source-instagram: @humblethepoet @harkirankkalsi

fortunately & unfortunately nothing lasts forever

nothing lasts forever

All problems come from trying to be someone you're not, do something you don't want to do, and feel something you don't feel. You might want to read that again.
source-twitter: intuitive_zen⁠

All problems come from trying to be someone you’re not, do something you don’t want to do, and feel something you don’t feel. You might want to read that again.

a lot of problems, if not all⁠

Live now. You're only guaranteed.

- Sonya Teclai
source-instagram: thegoodquote

Live now. You’re only guaranteed now.

Sonya Teclai

live now! click here to learn 6 ways to stay present in the moment

Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.

Pema Chodron

Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.

Pema Chodron

words of wisdom

We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us.
source-twitter: visualizevalue

We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.

Virginia Satir

read that again 

You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.
source-instagram: hustlegrindco

You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.

you get what you focus on — know how our thoughts are a self-fulfilling prophecy (click here)

How to win at life: Let people do what they need to make them happy, mind your own business and do what you need to make you happy. The end.
source-instagram: houseofleaders.co

How to win at life: Let people do what they need to make them happy, mind your own business and do what you need to make you happy. The end.

how to win at life

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change: Courage to change the thing i can: and wisdom to know the difference.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: Courage to change the thing I can: and wisdom to know the difference.

serenity prayer 🙏

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

-Pablo Picasso

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

that’s one way to look at it!

if it doesn't bring you energy, inspiration or orgasm, it doesn't belong in your life.
source-instagram: synchronistic

if it doesn’t bring you energy, inspiration or orgasm, it doesn’t belong in your life.

words from the wise.
of course, there will be difficult times but use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.
source-Instagram: @ jimkwik⁠

Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.

know what happiness, success, wealth, etc mean to you. your definition of these terms defines how you live your life! ⁠

if you wanna be happy DON'T take stuff personal, let stuff go, let people be...focus on you, your mental health, your spiritual health, your mental health, your wellbeing, physically and financially
Source — Instagram: @jayshetty

if you wanna be happy DON’T take stuff personal, let stuff go, let people be…focus on you, your mental health, your spiritual health, your mental health, your wellbeing, physically and financially

if you want to be happy —

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