jussayin is a collection of quotes and sayings on motivation, happiness, compassion for everyday life
recommended read: 6 habits to live a happy(er) life
read that again! know yourself and communicate your boundaries (what works for you and what doesn’t.)
reminder to be mindful of who you allow in your space.
develop these 6 habits to live a happy(er) life
“there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”
thich nhat hanh
develop these 6 habits to live a happy(er) life
reminder: there is no “right time”, there is just time and what you choose to do with it.
#reminder: taking care of yourself is also productive.
recommended read: 6 habits to live a happy(er) life
as within, so without
recommended read: 5 ways to think consciously
we don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
recommended read: why our reality is an illusion
reminder to consciously interpret life situations in an empowering way.
“where attention goes, energy flows, and results show.”
t. harv eker
“we fist make our habits and then our habits make us.”
john dryden
meditating / journaling / sharing helps one do just that! #jusremindin
read 6 ways to stay present in the moment
“we first make our habits and then our habits make us.”
john dryden
1. practice accepting the past, what’s done is done.
2. take action in the present to create your future.
“you can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
c. s. lewis
“take care” by jordan bolton
part of “scenes from imagined films” comic
recommended read: 5 ways to think consciously
reminder to be kind
reminder to practice patience
don’t believe everything you think
we first make our habits and then our habits make us.
john dryden
recommended read: how thinking is a self-fulfilling prophecy
life gets so much better when…
on feeling behind in life…
complaining doesn’t change anything; action and acceptance does!
via enchantella (tumblr)