food for thought is a collection of the deepest, most meaningful words ever! words that will make you take a step back to rethink / reassess your thoughts, beliefs, and your maybe reality itself.
recommended read:
why our reality is an illusion
thought provoking lyrics on happiness
recommended read: memento mori: remember that you will die!
maybe the purpose of life is to just live?
right now is all we have.
how do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come? #foodforthought
reminder to love yourself into the person you want to be!
and it all starts from improving yourself.
every moment is also the right moment!
sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you tend to think you have been buried; what if you’ve been planted?
mindfully glam
food for thought! #perspective
our future depends on what we do today!
“we first make our habits, then our habits make us”
John Dryden
#notjussayin #foodforthought #subtleremindersarekey #consciousliving #mindfulliving #mindfulness #habits #future
change your questions, change your life.
“where attention goes, energy flows, and results show.”
T. Harv Eker
#foodforthought #consciousliving #subtleremindersarekey
I’ve said that. Life has no inherent meaning, no meaning ordained by God. The universe doesn’t provide us meaning. If we didn’t exist, meaninglessness would not be a problem. We do, however, exist and we need meaning. Therefore, if there is to be a meaning, we create it. We give life meaning.
we give life meaning
you don’t remember what happened, what you remember becomes what happened.
wow! #foodforthought
Life is hard for two reasons: because you’re leaving your comfort zone or because you’re staying in it.
life is hard for two reasons…
This is why the dog is happier
practice being present — learn 6 ways to be present in the moment (click here)
Instagram has ruined a whole generations expectations of relationships, work, and everything in between. It has made ‘perfect’ look normal. So now ‘good’ has become disposable.
reminder: nobody is posting their failures on social media. you’re only watching the highlights of people’s lives, what they choose to show you.
don’t let social media affect your mental peace.
The illusion of knowledge keeps us ignorant. The awareness of our ignorance makes room for knowledge.
Alexander den Heijer
Why should I fear death? if I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which cannot exist when I do.
The worst memories stick with us, while nice one always seem to slip though our fingers.
is it love? or are you emotionally addicted to their pattern of inconsistent affection and attention?
hmm 🤔
Technology has connected the world and disconnected all the humans.
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude
Imagine if instagram and social media closed every day at 6pm like a shop. We would all be forced to meet up and speak to each other in real life, to be present with our families, to work out, to go outside, to read, to make art, music…eurghhh, nevermind.
how wonderful would that be?🤔💭
In theory there’s difference between theory and practice In practice there is!
real learning takes place by taking action!
I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong.
have you ever noticed this?
Books can help connect the dots, but you still have to do the thinking yourself.
you have to do the thinking yourself!